Thursday, March 27, 2008

5 Years Already

Time flies when you are having fun. I can't believe it has been 5 years already. As my dad would put it, we have done in lot of damage in 5 short years. It has been bar far the best 5 years of my life and only look forward to spending eternity with Jared. Thanks babe for all you do for your girls, especially me. I don't know where I would be without you!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Fun

So this had to of been my most favorite Easter so far. The monday before Easter we had a Family Home Evening about the resurrection and Mallory was so excited to learn about Jesus. I don't know how much of it she remembered or what she actually understood but it was so fun to watch her listen so intently to the story. Saturday before Easter we colored eggs. The girls loved it and I was trying not to stress about the coloring getting spilled all over the counters.

The one thing I loved the most was to see Mallory and Lily's personalities shine so bright Easter morning. We did a small Easter egg hunt and the Easter Bunny left baskets for both of the girls. The second Lily saw the little eggs laying all over the living room she started grabbing them as fast as she could. She didn't want to put any of the down so when she would try and pick one up five would fall out of her had and she would say "Oh shoot", or "Dang It". Jared and I were laughing so hard at her. She was bound and determined to pick up every egg before she put one in her basket. Mallory on the other hand couldn't care less about the candy, she was so excited to go through her basket and see what the "Easter Bunny" (still having a hard time telling my kids a big fluffy bunny comes into our house at night and leaves them a basket full of goodies) had brought her.

After church we went to my moms for an Easter dinner. There were Easter eggs hidden all over her house and once again Lily went nuts and Mallory would pick one up every once in a while. Thanks mom for the great dinner and the awesome Easter egg hunt and package for the girls.

Poor Baby Logan puts up with so much but the girls love this kid!

Look mom another egg!

At the end of the day Jared and I both said that it was the best holiday with the girls so far. I am sure they will just keep getting better and better.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Jared!

So today is Jared's birthday and he is the big "27". All he wanted to do for his birthday was work on the basement.

I have to be honest I was a little disappointed that he didn't want to go out to dinner or something fun but it was his birthday. I decided to write 27 things I love about Jared.
1. He is pretty dang HOT!
2. Sense of Humor
3. His Love for the Gospel
4. His Love for his little girls
5. The way he loves me
6. His smile
7. Drive to be the best at everything he does
8. The way he can make me laugh even when I am mad
9. The way he handles me when I am blowing things out of proportion
10. His willingness to serve no matter what
11. His desire to make everyone happy
12. His ability to make everyone feel comfortable around him
13. The way he strikes up conversations with strangers everywhere we go
14. His desire to provide well for his family
15. I still get excited when he walks in the door after being gone to work everyday
16. His willingness to remind me about what is really important in life
17. His acceptance of me no matter my weight, mood, haircut, he just love me for me
18.The love and respect he has for his family
19. His laugh
20. His smile
21. He gets along with everyone
22. He keeps me young
23.When choosing a job the biggest factor was if he was going to able to come home every night and be able to spend time with his family
24. His love for the Savior
25. His understanding of the scriptures
26. The way he tells stories, he always makes them a little more entertaining
27. His great example to me in so many things in our marriage
I love you Babe! Happy Birthday

Wright Family Easter Egg Hunt...

After the 10K on Saturday we had a Easter Egg Hunt and lunch at our house for the part of Jared's family that could come. It is always so much fun to get together with them. We had a yummy lunch and then Connor helped me hide eggs around the house (I would have liked to have the hunt outside but it was a little too cold) for all the little kids. Mallory had fallen asleep in the car on the way home from my mom's and woke up just in time for the hunt. I was so glad she didn't miss out. I made a easter bucket filled with little easter treats for each of the kids and after wished that I had done one for everyone. All the cousins seemed to have fun running around the house looking for eggs filled with candy and I had fun watching all the excitement. We also sang Happy Birthday to Jared, I ran out of time to make the cupcakes I was planning so I put a candle in a cookie and called it good. Good thing he is easy to please.
Once everyone had gone home we had decided that we were going to see Erin's new home in Grantsville and were on our way when I started feeling really sick. I grabbed the bowl that was in the back seat and Jared turned the car around and we headed back home. I had caught whatever the girls have had over the past couple days and it was not fun. I spent the rest of the weekend in bed. I am crossing my fingers that Jared doesn't catch it so we can be done with this nasty bug.

Rex Lee Run

On Saturday Jared and I did our 1st, of hopefully many, 10K's together. We only have about 4 weeks until the SL 1/2 marathon and I am so glad that we did a shorter run before the big day. It is definitely different running by yourself and running with a herd of people.
Big thanks to my parents for taking the girls the night before so we didn't have to worry about getting them going the morning of the race. Mallory got really sick after we dropped her off and was throwing up all night, SORRY mom. I glad she had her nanna if she couldn't have her mom. When we picked up the girls Mal came running, gave us a big hug and asked if we won the race. She was so excited that we got to run in a race.
We took a self portrait of ourselves before and after the run in the truck because I didn't want to have my camera with me for the entire run.
We look a little less tired in the before shot.
The two of us at my mom's house after the run.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Princess Wishes

Mom and Mallory

As soon as tickets were available to buy for the Disney on Ice , Princess Wishes I got an email from Mandy asking if we wanted a girls night out with our little girls. What a fun idea! I decided not to tell Mallory about it until a couple days before the show. So, on Wednesday night I went with Mallory to Princess Wishes. She was so excited to go to the "Princess talent show", she wanted to wear her Cinderella dress, her long white gloves and she wanted big curls in her hair. She could hardly wait to go. Most of the fun came in the company we had. Mallory has so much fun with her friends and she was able to go with Kenlie, Kinley, and Kate. It was so fun to sit back and watch Mallory get so excited when a new princess would come out, she would dance to the songs and the expression on her face was priceless. The best was when Cinderella came out with her prince, her eyes were as big as possible with her hands over her mouth, she could hardly contain her excitement. Every once in awhile she would come over by me and give me a hug. One thing about Mallory is she is so easily entertained and most of the time so grateful for the things she is given. On the way home she was exhausted and so she was really emotional( Kristin made a good point that when it is time for Mallory to get married the best tip I could give to her husband would be when she gets a little cranky or emotional put her to bed. She is so much happier after a good sleep), but when we finally got home and I was changing her into her pajamas she said, "this was the funnest night ever." It was so fun to hear her say that, I think those are the kind of things you live for as a mom. I just want my kids to be happy and have a fun time growing up. I can hardly wait for all the fun mommy daughter nights I get to have in the future with both my girls.


Kenlie Perry

Kinley Brown

Kate's cousin, Kenlie, Kate, Mallory, and Kinley

The happy Princesses