Jared and Lewis watching the first of many BYU games together, too bad the first one couldn't have been a win.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Our new little addition
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Tender Mercies
The next day was my aunts funeral, I was still having contractions but not as often so I went to the funeral. At the cemetery I tripped in a hole and fell flat on my belly, it's okay to laugh about now I am sure the sight of a large pregnant lady flying through the air would be funny to watch. When I got up I was really disoriented and didn't know whether or not to tell people I was okay. As soon as the dedication of the grave was over I walked over to Jared and told him I needed to leave. On the way home contraction began again every 2-3 minutes, Jared called the hospital and they said I needed to get back there as quickly as I could. They gave me 3 more shots and contractions slowed down a little but didn't stop. They sent me home, told me to drink lots of water, relax, and that I probably would have continuous contractions for the rest of my pregnancy but to come back to the hospital it they became painful.
Sunday came and I was still having contractions pretty regularly but not painful so I tried not to worry about them too much. On Monday the contractions became really painful and really close together, I called the doctor and he said to go back to the hospital and get things checked out. My cute neighbor Ruth came and sat with the girls until my mom could get to my house. I got to the hospital and the contraction were strong and 2-3 minutes apart. 4 days in a row of strong contractions was making me really nervous that this baby was coming way too soon. There were so many questions I had about the baby and what he would have to go through if he didn't make it to 37 weeks. The nurse gave me 3 more shots, got me a prescription for some pills to take every six hours to slow the contractions, checked me to make sure I wasn't dilated, and sent me home to relax.
As I read Elder Bednar's talk again today and there are so many things he talks about as being tender mercies that have happened to me this past weekend. The first thing that made me think tender merc
Friday, October 24, 2008
Girls New Bedroom
It's my weed!
And says to Jared and I "Look it's my weed." I hope that is the only time I have a conversation with Mallory about her "WEED".
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Gardner Village Witches
Friday, October 10, 2008
Pumpkin Pickin'
Monday while we were out running errands we drove by a pumpkin patch and from that point on it was all Mallory could talk about. She wanted to go and pick her own pumpkin. So for FHE we went to a great pumpkin patch in So. Jordan. They have a corn maze, small but great for the little kids, tractors for the kids to play on, and tons of pumpkins to choose from. The girls loaded and unloaded our wheelbarrow a number of times before they found their perfect pumpkins. They had so much fun running through the field looking for the best pumpkin they could find.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
New Hair Do's
Sunday, September 28, 2008
"The Samarian"
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thanksgiving Point Gardens
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
We have an Olympian on our Hands!
1. No Hands
2. No Crying!!!
They have been practicing dribbling the ball and right before the game he taught her to take people out. She was convinced it was okay until her Nana told her it wasn't very nice. Now every time Jared tries to tell her it's okay in soccer she says, "But my Nana said it wasn't nice." (I think that him having a boy is going to be a really good thing).
Mallory and McKenlie after the game enjoying their post game treats.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Mallory Starts Preschool
On August 19 Mallory started preschool. (I know I am a little behind on the posts!) She is so excited and asks me everyday if she gets to go to school, she has been asking since last school year when it was her turn to go to school. Her teacher is Mrs. Steiner and she goes on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. She has loved every minute of it. She has started bringing home books to read and gets so excited when she gets through a tough word or finishes a page. Lily loves to have Mallory read her stories. We definitely have had our moments of frustration when she can't get a specific word but for the most part she is in heaven.
Mallory in her chair coloring her first school picture.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Look Mom I Can Swim!
Mallory had a hard time staying on the step when it wasn't her turn to swim with her teacher so she spent at least one of her turns sitting on the side of the pool. It took her 2 weeks but she was successful at sitting on the step for her entire lesson. She was so proud of herself when her lessons were over she wanted to call her dad right away and tell him she sat on the step the whole time. She asked Jared "can we go in my room and talk about it but this time leave the door open and Lily could even come in too." Jared and Mal have spent a lot of time in her room talking about how it's important to listen and obey. She also wanted to call her Nana and everyone that she knew to tell them how good she did at swimming lessons. It was so fun to have her so excited about something good she did. I hope she can be that excited after her last lesson today.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
We're having a .....
SO the next question we have been asked is do we have a name picked out. The answer is Yes. This may surprise a lot of people since Jared and I haven't been able to agree on any names until this one. It is a very old fashion name but we definitely know this is what his name should be. About a month and a half ago while I was doing my hair this name came into my mind with the thought that this was was our baby should be named. I was sure that Jared was going to shoot it down the second I told him but his reaction was totally opposite. He said "Ya that is what it should be." I was very surprised that he was going for it but it has stuck so our baby will be named Lewis after my Grandpa Merrill. We are still not positive on the middle name but will probably use another grandpa's name. I guess there won't be anymore disagreements about boys names, at least not until next time. It has taken some time but the name has started to grow on me.
We are so excited to be having a boy. There are many reasons that a girl would have been easier but the more we talk about it the more excited we get to have this little boy come to our family. Jared is already talking about the future football games, how we are going to hang a "fathead" on the wall of his nursery. It is so fun to think about having a new baby.