Mallory has been begging me all summer to do a lemonade stand. I told her that when we got back from Washington I would let her do one, with the slight hope that she would forget. I should know my daughter by now and know there is no way she is going to let me forget something as important as a LeMoNaDe StAnD. I went to get Lewis's hair cut in the morning and brought Katelyn home with us to help with the stand. They had a blast!
Katelyn and Mal out by the mailbox trying to get people to stop
Our first Customer
Ruth was nice and bought two cookies and two lemonades from the girls...they were SO excited.
McKenna still loves to have a lemonade stand. Although, they've got the system worked out. They offer it for free as everyone is coming home for work. But...they accept tips. This way they get 1 to 5 dollars for a cup of lemonade. Tricky girls. Once again, Dallin is signed on. This is Tricia
You are such a good mom! I bet the girls had a blast.
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