Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lily's Surgery

Today Lily had two pieces of glass removed from her foot. The glass is from the car accident we were in a little over two years ago. She is such a trooper when it comes to things like this. She has had more than her fair share of trips to Primary Children's Hospital and Jared and I are both hoping that today is the last for a long time.
Lily went into surgery about 8:30 and she was done about 9:15. It seemed like a really long time until I heard another doctor saying that one of their patients would be out in about 5 hours. I was feeling pretty lucky. When the administrator was taking me to see Lily after the surgery I walked out of the room and saw her with the nurse holding her at the end of the hall. When I got to her she had been crying so hard she was gasping for air. I guess she had come out of the anesthetic pretty quickly and started screaming and crying, ripped her IV out and just wanted her mom. I felt so bad that I wasn't there before she woke up. After I got there she did really well and we were only in recovery for about 20 minutes after they brought Jared back to us. She has done really well this afternoon and is taking a nap now.

Lily before surgery, she was having a great time with the toys before she realized that we wouldn't be going with her. Handing her over to the anesthesiologistwas really hard for me.

Lily after the surgery showing off her orange leg and bandages. She has a couple stitches in her right foot.

This jar has the piece of glass that they took out of her foot. It was a pretty good size piece of glass, I am really suprised it took two years for it to begin bugging her.


Anonymous said...

Man that brought back memories of Emi. I cried when they wheeled her away in the little red wagon to fix her hernias. She looked so worried. And they forget to come get me when she woke up too and she also freaked out and pulled out her IV. It took so long to calm her down. I had to rock her forever. She was so mad that she wouldn't drink her slushy that they make them drink before they can be discharged. I'm so glad it went well. That little jar will make a great show and tell when she gets into school:)

We're All Wright said...

Yikes! I'm so glad they got it out! She looks so sweet!

Tracy Collings said...

Wow, I can't believe she's still dealing with that accident! I'm so sorry. She's a trooper!!

Tera said...

OK, for some reason, your blog does not update itself on my blog feed. I had no idea that Lily had to have surgery. I am so sorry. But hopefully it will make a great story to tell, perhaps a good addition when she plays Two Truths and a Lie. Ha! Take care. I miss you guys!

NatRat said...

Poor little thing. I can't believe she had glass in her foot for that long. I so hated the surgeries at Primary's, when you have to hand them off to the anethesiologist???? and your like "bye." Waiting in the waiting room is just as bad. I am so glad it all went well.

Unknown said...

I am glad every thing turned out ok. :)