Tuesday, September 25, 2007

So I'm no Tiger!

On Saturday I participated in my first golf tournament. It was actually the first time I had played 18 holes. Jared's brother Lee invited us to play in his company golf tournament. I am so grateful it was a scramble. It could have been a really long day. I was proud of myself once in a while when we were actually able to use my shot to play off of. I did decide that I need professional help and would like to take lessons so Jared and I can golf together more. It was a lot of fun being able to spend that much time with Jared. There are not too many moments like that lately. Thanks Lee for the fun day!

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Joys of Parenthood

On Wednesday I was watching two of Mallory's friends, McKinnley and Raegan. They were downstairs playing with Mallory's Barbie house and Barbies. They were playing so good and I was getting so much done. Just a side note, our basement is unfinished, we have a huge area rug where some of the toys and Barbie house are.
Well, later that day, after Jared had come home from work we were outside working in the yard. Mallory ran inside yelling "I need to go potty". Jared followed her inside and she was headed back downstairs. He asked her what she was doing. She said, "Daddy I am going potty". Jared was a little surpised by this answer and said that she needed to do this upstairs. She said "But Daddy there is a potty downstairs". Instantly Jared knew that the girls had been using the potty that was not hooked up to the plumbing. He tried to explain to Mallory that the potty downstairs did not work and she had to go in the potty upstairs, ALWAYS.
After the Mallory and Lily had gone to bed Jared said to me, "Come on Case lets go take care the toilet filled with ****". I told him to have fun but I was not going to carry a toilet full of urine up the stairs. After much discussion I agreed to help him. We soaked up as much of the stuff as we could, but most if it was down in the "pee trap", who knew toilets had such a thing. Jared was sure that none would come out and we could just dump it outside.
As we were carrying the toilet upstairs the bowl was tipped up and when we leveled the toilet out the pee flushed out the bottom of the toilet. I was in shock and disgusted. I had pee all over my kitchen floor that I had just mopped earlier that day, all over my feet, the bottom of my pajamas, and Jared had it all over the bottom of his legs.
Little did I know that when I signed up to be a parent I would experience things like this. Good thing the joyful times out weigh the less joyful times.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

With a lot of Encouragement.

I finally did it. Amy will be so proud of me, I finished my blog! It has taken some, wait a lot, of encouragement from Amy but I did it. I have had a lot of fun reading everyones. It is fun to catch up on friends and family I don't see very often.